PHC - Start of Day PHC - Start of Day Date / Fecha * PHC Technician completing this form: * Select your rig: PHC 1PHC 2PHC 3PHC 4 Have you discussed your mixing ratios and weather with the PHC Manager? * No Yes Have you discussed your route with the Sales Manager? * No Yes Do you have eye wash on your truck? * No Yes Do you have clean gloves, goggles, and a mask on your truck? * No Yes Do you have a spill kit on your truck? * No Yes Do you have a fire extinguisher on your truck? * No Yes Are you properly licensed and aware enough to safely operate your vehicle today? * No Yes Does the vehicle need to be refreshed with any new PPE (chemical-resistant gloves and goggles, spill kit, and eyewash)? Are all emails cleared out of your inbox? * No Yes Any comments, damages, missing items, repairs, refills, updates? Upload file or image / Subir archivo o imagen Drop a file here or click to upload Choose File Maximum file size: 134.22MB Submit If you are human, leave this field blank.